Hand Made Bits & Spurs


Made The Way Your Horse Needs Them



Coming from a family of horse trainers and contestants, Bill began making bits 30 years ago to meet the specifications from family members for use on certain horses.  With that background and his own experience training roping horses and working cattle, he learned what works and why.  Since 1995,he has been making custom bits and spurs for the public. Each item is designed for his customer and handmade by him.  His wife, Billie, helps with the sterling, and together they produce only about two to five items each week.  Not one single item is imported or farmed out just to have his name stamped on it.  You’ll agree that pride in craftsmanship and knowledge of horsemanship show in each numbered item stamped-----            “Bill Dixon”

We know you'd be with us today, if heaven wasn't so far away.


 Bill Dixon


August 29, 1940-January 26, 2018